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......100% Natural, Safe & Effective Skin Lightening

Natural Fairness Skin Lightening Essence (Serum)

Natural Fairness Essence (Serum) - 75ml
Directions For Use


This concentrated serum is specially formulated to provide optimum skin lightening as well as visibly refining large pores, effectively eliminating blackheads - ducts that are plugged by dead cells, bacteria & sebum on the surface of the skin.

Prevents skin eruptions, fades pigmented areas, acne blemishes & neutralises the skin's metabolism for younger, lighter skin whilst helping skin of any age renew itself quicker and be effectively lightened.


PM only


Optimum skin lightening plus Anti-wrinkle & Anti-ageing. Use to correct darker pigmented areas e.g. elbows, knees, dark eye circles, acne blemishes etc.


•  lightens and balances skin colour tone

•  removes pigmentation caused by sun-damage, hormonal imbalance or pregnancy

•  rapidly eliminates & prevents formation of dark spots, acne scars/ blemishes & other skin discolorations

•  fades dark eye circles

•  visibly refines large pores & effectively eliminate blackheads

•  protects skin against premature ageing and future discoloration

•  prevents skin eruptions

•  rebuilds the skin's natural defences and accelerates cell renewal



1) After cleansing, use Natural Fairness Essence Lotion at night (if used during the day a mild tingling effect may be felt).

2) Apply Essence Lotion and massage into the skin using circular motions until the lotion is fully absorbed.

Use Natural Fairness Skin Lightening Essence (Serum)

3) Apply extra lotion to the problematic, darker areas of your skin and massage in until the lotion is fully absorbed.

This is a concentrated formula so use sparingly on first application to determine the correct amount for your skin.



As of January 2001, cosmetic products containing the ingredient Hydroquinone are banned in the EU & UK. This comes about after more than 10 years of lobbying by safety campaigners & organisations all over the world.


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